Friday, November 12, 2010

It has begun...

We made it in time to greet Clara this morning before surgery.  Apparently, she has been awake since about 2am (which is part of why I didn't stay last night).  She got two "doses" of platelets to get her platelet count above 100...she is at 250...for surgery.  And despite getting "pre-medicated" with benedryl with each platelet dose, she was an awake girl!  It was great to get to play with her for about half an hour before they called us to the pre-op holding room at 6:30am.

She has a great anesthesiologist today.  He is the same Dr. that came in on Sunday to do her MRI.

She will be in the MRI for two hours as the "map" her brain so that during surgery they can visually see where they are with a microscope PLUS the combo of these little stickers on her head with the pre-surgery MRI images they will be able to EXACTLY know where they are in her brain as they move their instruments around in her head.  They refer to it as GPS of her abscess and the instruments.

The waiting room attendant has gotten to know us and Clara and is going to give us a call personally as she gets updates from the OR nurse during Clara's procedures.

We are headed to pick out a car so that when Clara is all done with these surgeries and then all done with her transplant, Mommy can get her to and from the house and the hospital for her 3-4x/week appointments.

Need to run!  They are now estimating that they could be done around noon instead of 3.  Not sure which story to believe...last night's or this morning's.

Will keep you posted!

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